I've decided to start a blog. I don't know what sort of things will wind up here. That is, I imagine it will be pretty random... affected a lot by my moods. Tonight, I'm thinking about how awesome it would be to have a maid. My house, as usual, is a wreck. Between my husband, a not-yet-three-year-old, and a doberman pinscher, I am finding it absolutely impossible to keep up.
Oh, and have I mentioned that I'm pregnant? Baby Gideon is due February 24. So, yeah... A maid sounds really good about now.
Does anyone else feel like no matter how often they clean, it looks like a tornado has gone through their living space by the time they get home from even the briefest of shopping trips? It is doing nothing for my already fragile sanity...
Yes, yes and yes! It seems to only get worse with more children or so the case has been for me. I'd love a maid, a cook, a nanny and a date with my husband every once in awhile. Good luck to you with the new baby, busy little girl and L.I.F.E.